Development stage (XMapTools 4.3)

XMapTools 4 is under development and not all parts are at the same level.



  1. Largely untested, only basic tools implemented
  2. Tested for a few cases, seems to work ok
  3. Tested and benchmarked
  4. Publication quality
#IDPart & ToolsLevelComments
1.0Section “Project & Import”4Project functionalities are very advanced, see below for other tools.
1.1Converter for EPMA3Fully tested for JEOL; tested for some CAMECA configurations
1.2Converter for LA-ICPMS4Tested with several datasets
1.3Import Tool 4Similar functionalities as in XMapTools 3
2.0Section “Classify”3Most tools in this sections are at an advanced stage.
3.0Section “Segment”2Not fully tested (work in progress).
4.0Section “Calibrate”3See details below
4.1Calibration Assistant for EPMA3the algorithm was tested and benchmarked, but there are still cases for which the calibration fails. IA not implemented yet.
4.2Local bulk composition determination4The algorithm was benchmarked.
4.3Calibration Assistant for LA-ICPMS4Tested with several examples.
5.0Section “Functions”3Tested
6.0Section “Add-ons”3Bingo-Antidote is available since 4.2
7.0Section “Options”3Most options are working fine
9.0Sampling Tools4Improved compared to XMapTools 3
10.1Data Visualisation Tool3Tested and further improved in 4.3

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