Structural Formulas

Function header for structural formula calculations. Source code is available on Github.

Aluminosilicate > AlSil. (SF, 5-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of aluminosilicates 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & all Fe as Fe2O3

 5 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 13.08.2021
 Find out more at

Amphibole > CaAmp (SF, 23-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of Ca-amphibole 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
      - Fe2O3 added as possible input
       - Ti ordered onto M2 (Raase 1974)

   End-member             T1(4)         T2(2)      M2(2)    M13(2)    M4(2)  A(1)
   Glaucophane (Gln)   Si,Si,Si,Si   Si,Si,Si,Si   Al,Al   Mg,Mg,Mg   Na,Na   V 
   Tremolite (Tr)      Si,Si,Si,Si   Si,Si,Si,Si   Mg,Mg   Mg,Mg,Mg   Ca,Ca   V 
   F-tremolite (Ftr)   Si,Si,Si,Si   Si,Si,Si,Si   Fe,Fe   Fe,Fe,Fe   Ca,Ca   V 
   Tschermakite (Ts)   Si,Si,Si,Si   Si,Si,Al,Al   Al,Al   Mg,Mg,Mg   Ca,Ca   V 
   Pargasite (Prg)     Si,Si,Si,Si   Si,Si,Al,Al   Mg,Al   Mg,Mg,Mg   Ca,Ca   Na 
   Other:                                          Ti      Mn

 23 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 20.08.2021
 Find out more at

Amphibole > CaAmp_Fe3+ (SF, 23-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of Ca-amphibole 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
      - Fe2O3 added as possible input
       - Ti ordered onto M2 (Raase 1974)

 23 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 16.09.2021  *** NOT TESTED ***
 Find out more at

Biotite > Bt+ (SF, 11-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of biotite 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
      - Fe2O3 added as possible input
  ++03.2020 New structural formula for biotite (including Ti and Mn EM)
       - Ti assumed to be ordered onto M2
       - Al assumed to be ordered onto M1
       - Mn added (ordered onto M12)
       - End-member proportions based on biotite Al-content

   End-member      T1(2)   T2(2)   M1(1)   M2(2)   A(1)
   Phlogopite      Si,Si   Si,Al   Mg      Mg,Mg   K
   Annite          Si,Si   Si,Al   Fe      Fe,Fe   K
   Eastonite       Si,Si   Al,Al   Al      Mg,Mg   K
   Siderophyllite  Si,Si   Al,Al   Al      Fe,Fe   K
   Ti-biotite      Si,Si   Si,Al   Mg      Ti,Mg   K
   Mn-biotite      Si,Si   Si,Al   Mn      Mn,Mn   K
   Not considered:
   Muscovite       Si,Si   Si,Al   V       Mg,Mg   K

 11 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 14.01.2021
 Find out more at

Brucite > Brc (SF, 1-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of brucite 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input
       - As2O3 is used instead of As2O5 in XMapTools 3.4.2  

 1 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 09.09.2021
 Find out more at

Chlorite > Chl (SF, 14-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of chlorite 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - Ferri-sudoite added; Trincal & Lanari (2016) Clay Min. 51,675-689
      - Fe2O3 added as possible input

   End-member          T1(2)   T2(2)   M1(1)   M2-M3(4)        M4(1)
   Amesite (Ame)       Si,Si   Al,Al   Al      Mg,Mg,Mg,Mg     Al
   Fe-Amesite (fAme)   Si,Si   Al,Al   Al      Fe,Fe,Fe,Fe     Al
   Chlinochlore (Clc)  Si,Si   Si,Al   Mg      Mg,Mg,Mg,Mg     Al
   Daphnite (Dph)      Si,Si   Si,Al   Fe      Fe,Fe,Fe,Fe     Al
   Sudoite (Sud)       Si,Si   Si,Al   V       Mg,Mg,Al,Al     Al
   FerriSudoite (fSud) Si,Si   Si,Al   V       Mg,Mg,Fe,Fe     Al
   AlfreeChl (afchl)   Si,Si   Si,Si   Mg      Mg,Mg,Mg,Mg     Mg

 14 Oxygen-basis 
 1  Input: XFe3 = Fe3/(Fe2+Fe3);
 P. Lanari - Last update 20.01.2021
 Find out more at

Chloritoid > Ctd (SF, 12-Ox. basis)

XMapTools External Function: structural formula of chloritoid 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member              T1(2)     T2(3)     M1(1)   M2(2)
   Mg-chloritoid (Ctd)     Si,Si   Al,Al,Al    Al      Mg,Mg
   Fe-chloritoid (fCtd)    Si,Si   Al,Al,Al    Al      Fe,Fe
   Mn-chloritoid (mCtd)    Si,Si   Al,Al,Al    Al      Mn,Mn

 12 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 20.01.2021
 Find out more at

Chromite > Chr (SF, 32-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of chromite 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input
       - Fe3+ estimated using Droop (1987)

   End-member                  X(1) Y(2)

 32 Oxygen-basis
 A. Hauteville & P. Lanari - Last update 28.10.2021  *** NOT TESTED IN THIS VERSION ***
 Find out more at

Clinopyroxene > Cpx (SF, 6-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of clinopyroxene 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member              T1(2)   M1(1)   M2(1) 
   Jadeite (Jd)            Si,Si   Al      Na
   Diopside (Di)           Si,Si   Mg      Ca
   Hedenbergite (Hd)       Si,Si   Fe      Ca
   Ca-Tschermak (Cats)     Si,Al   Al      Ca
 6 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 26.01.2021
 Find out more at

Clinopyroxene > Cpx_Fe3+ (SF, 6-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of clinopyroxene 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member              T1(2)   M1(1)   M2(1) 
   Jadeite (Jd)            Si,Si   Al      Na
   Diopside (Di)           Si,Si   Mg      Ca
   Hedenbergite (Hd)       Si,Si   Fe2     Ca
   Ca-Tschermak (Cats)     Si,Al   Al      Ca
   Acmite (Acm)            Si,Si   Fe3     Na 

 6 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 26.01.2021
 Find out more at

Cordierite > Crd (SF, 18-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of cordierite 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member                   T1(2)         T2(3)      M1(2)
   Mg-Cordierite (Crd)     Si,Si,Si,Si,Si    Al,Al,Al,Al   Mg,Mg
   Fe-Cordierite (fCrd)    Si,Si,Si,Si,Si    Al,Al,Al,Al   Fe,Fe
   Mn-Cordierite (mCrd)    Si,Si,Si,Si,Si    Al,Al,Al,Al   Mn,Mn

 18 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 13.08.2021
 Find out more at

Epidote > Ep (SF, 12.5-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of epidote 

  ++03.2022 Minor update
       - Fix an issue in the end-member proportion calculation; Add Xsum  
  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & all iron as Fe3+

   End-member          T1(3)       M1(1)    M2(1)   M3(1)   A1(2) 
   Epidote (Ep)        Si,Si,Si    Al      Al      Fe      Ca,Ca
   Fe-epidote (fEp)    Si,Si,Si    Fe      Al      Fe      Ca,Ca
   Zoisite (Zo)        Si,Si,Si    Al      Al      Al      Ca,Ca
   Mn-epidote (mEp)    Si,Si,Si    Al      Al      Mn      Ca,Ca

 12.5 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 26.01.2021
 Find out more at

Feldspar > Fsp (SF, 8-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of feldspar 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member          T1(2)   T2(2)   M1(1) 
   Albite (Ab)         Si,Si   Si,Al    Na
   Anorthite (An)      Si,Si   Al,Al    Ca
   Sanidine (Sn)       Si,Si   Si,Al    K 

 8 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 14.01.2021
 Find out more at

Magnetite > Mag (SF, 4-Ox./3-cat. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of magnetite 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

 Normalized to 3 cations (assuming 4 oxygen)
 P. Lanari & F. Piccoli - Last update 16.09.2021
 Find out more at

Garnet > Grt (SF, 12-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of garnet 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member          X(3)        Y(2)    O/T(3) 
   Almandine (Alm)     Fe,Fe,Fe    Al,Al   (SiO4)3
   Pyrope (Prp)        Mg,Mg,Mg    Al,Al   (SiO4)3 
   Grossular (Grs)     Ca,Ca,Ca    Al,Al   (SiO4)3 
   Spessartine (Sps)   Mn,Mn,Mn    Al,Al   (SiO4)3 

 12 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 14.01.2021
 Find out more at

Garnet > Grt_Fe3+ (SF, 12-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of garnet 

  ++09.2021 Improvement in Fe3+ calculation
       - Method of Droop (1987) implemented
  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - Version without loop
   End-member          X(3)        Y(2)    O/T(3) 
   Almandine (Alm)     Fe,Fe,Fe    Al,Al   (SiO4)3
   Pyrope (Prp)        Mg,Mg,Mg    Al,Al   (SiO4)3 
   Grossular (Grs)     Ca,Ca,Ca    Al,Al   (SiO4)3 
   Spessartine (Sps)   Mn,Mn,Mn    Al,Al   (SiO4)3
   Andradite (and)     Ca,Ca,Ca    Fe,Fe   (SiO4)3

 12 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 14.01.2021
 Find out more at

Ilmenite > Ilm (SF, 3-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of ilmenite 

       - Approximation of Fe3+ and Fe2+; works fine with Ca-Na-K ignored
  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   Ilmenite (Ilm)       Fe(1)Ti(1)O(3)
   Mn-Ilmenite (mIlm)   Mn(1)Ti(1)O(3)
   Hematite (Hem)       Fe(2)O(3)

 3 Oxygen-basis
 P. Lanari - Last update 02.09.2021
 Find out more at

Olivine > Ol (SF, 4-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of olivine 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   Forsterite (Fo)       Mg(2)Si(1)O(4)
   Fayalite (Fa)       Fe(2)Si(1)O(4)
   Tephroite (Tep)     Mn(2)Si(1)O(4)

 4 Oxygen-basis
 P. Lanari - Last update 16.09.2021
 Find out more at

Orthopyroxene > Opx (SF, 3-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of clinopyroxene 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member              T1(1)   M1(1)   
   Enstatite (En)           Si,Si   Mg,Mg
   Ferrosilite (Fs)           Si,Si   Fe,Fe
   Tschermak-px (Mgts)        Si,Al   Al,Mg

 3 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 20.08.2021
 Find out more at

Rutile > Rt (SF, 2-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of rutile 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

 2 Oxygen-basis
 P. Lanari - Last update 08.09.2021
 Find out more at

Serpentine > Srp (SF, 14-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of serpentine 

  ++05.2022 Bug fix
       - number of oxygen changed from 14.5 to 14
       - add ratio_Si_SiFeMg
  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

 14 Oxygen-basis
 P. Lanari - Last update 09.05.2022
 Find out more at

Spinel > Spl (SF, 4-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of spinel 

  ++09.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input
       - Fe3+ estimated using Droop (1987)

   End-member                  X(1) Y(2)
           -- Al spinels (AlSpinel) --
   Hercynite (Hc)              Fe(1)Al(2)O(4)  *
   Spinel (Spl)                Mg(1)Al(2)O(4)  *
   Galaxite (Glx)              Mn(1)Al(2)O(4)  *
   Gahnite (Ghn)               Zn(1)Al(2)O(4)  *
           -- Cr spinels (CrSpinel) --
   Chromite (Chr)              Fe(1)Cr(2)O(4)  *  
   Magnesiochromite (mChr)     Mg(1)Cr(2)O(4)  *  
   Nichromite (Nic)            Ni(1)Cr(2)O(4) 
           -- Fe spinels (FeSpinel) --
   Magnesioferrite (Mfr)       Mg(1)Fe(2)O(4)  *  
   Magnetite (Mag)             Fe(1)Fe(2)O(4)  *  
   Ulvospinel (tSpl)           Ti(1)Fe(2)O(4)
   Jacobsite (Jac)             Mn(1)Fe(2)O(4)  *
   Franklinite (Frk)           Zn(1)Fe(2)O(4)  *
   Trevorite (Tre)             Ni(1)Fe(2)O(4) 
         -- Olivine spinels (OlSpinel) --
   Ringwoodite (Rwd)           Si(1)Mg(2)O(4)
   * Calculated assuming equipartition of Fe2+/Mg2+/Mn2+/Zn2+/Ni
     see code
   Not considered in the calculation:
   Qandilite (Qnd)             Ti(1)Mg(2)O(4)  

 4 Oxygen-basis
 P. Lanari - Last update 09.09.2021  *** NOT TESTED ***
 Find out more at

Staurolite > St (SF, 22-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of staurolite 

  ++08.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member                  Z(11)        Y(2)       X(4)
   Staurolite (St)             Si(4)Al(7)   Al,Al      Fe,Fe,Fe,Fe
   Mg-Staurolite (Mst)         Si(4)Al(7)   Al,Al      Mg,Mg,Mg,Mg          
   Mn-Staurolite (MnSt)        Si(4)Al(7)   Al,Al      Mn,Mn,Mn,Mn

 24 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 28.10.2021
 Find out more at

White mica > Mica (SF, 11-Ox. basis)

 XMapTools External Function: structural formula of White mica (generic) 

  ++01.2021 Compatibility with XMapTools 4
       - version without loop & Fe2O3 as possible input

   End-member              T1(2)   T2(2)   M1(1)   M2(2)   A(1)
   Celadonite-Mg (Cel)     Si,Si   Si,Si    V       Al,Mg   K
   Celadonite-Fe (fCel)    Si,Si   Si,Si    V       Al,Fe   K
   Muscovite (Ms)          Si,Si   Si,Al    V       Al,Al   K
   Paragonite (Pg)         Si,Si   Si,Al    V       Al,Al   Na
   Pyrophillite (Prl)      Si,Si   Si,Si    V       Al,Al   V
   Not considered:
   Biotite                 Si,Si   Si,Al   MgFe    MgFeTi  K

 11 Oxygen-basis 
 P. Lanari - Last update 20.01.2021
 Find out more at

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