How to uninstall XMapTools on Windows?

You may want to uninstall XMapTools and the MCR libraries to resolve problems during installation or updates.

Uninstalling XMapTools app


  • In the taskbar search box, type Control Panel and select it from the results. Select Programs > Programs and Features. Press and hold (or right-click) XMapTools and select Uninstall or Uninstall/Change.

Uninstalling MCR (MATLAB libraries)

Depending on the version of the MCR installed, the default installation directory for Windows is C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\vXX

“XX” indicates the MCR version used by XMapTools (see compatibility notes). If you update XMapTools to a version that requires a new MCR version, the previous version will remain on your computer.


  • Go to the default installation directory (see above).
  • In the ‘uninstall’ folder, there is an ‘uninstall’ runnable that will perform the uninstallation process.

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